Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Low self-esteem hitting you down? Buckle up!

'Be Confident' - An essential advice you get before you take on anything in life!

You cannot be truly confident unless you have good self-esteem to back it up, it gives you the feeling that you can indeed do whatever you want to do. 

The important thing for you to understand about self-esteem is that it is a great and useful thing to have. You understand the positive impact people with high self-esteem have, the advantages they get, and that it's something worth emulating. 

If this essential trait is dripping low in you then it’s high time to buckle up! In the long run low esteem levels can be debilitating.

How do you do that, though?

Observe your small letter 'T', the lower your T-bars are crossed the lower will be your self-esteem. Study says that people with low T-bars will tend to stay in unhappy relationships and jobs for a very long time. They possess limited beliefs about getting what they want in life and have low or no goals. They require security and look little farther than planning for immediate needs. 

As the handwriting expert Bart Baggett says "To confirm any indication of self-esteem, look to the height of the cross on the letter t. The low T-bar won’t always be trouble… but the defense mechanisms which people build to protect a low self-esteem (sarcasm, blame, defensiveness, withdrawal… are all troublesome in relationships)"

People with high T-bars are more confident to shift, progressive and always tend to keep an optimistic view of themselves thereby are more happy and contented with life!

So how high should your T-bars be?

If your T-bars are crossed lower than 2/3 from the top of your T-stem then take some time out each day and practice to place your T-stem as high as it is shown the picture (The High Confidence T). Daily practice of writing it that way can help you see the change in well within 21 days!

This is called grapho-therapy exercise and this creates new nural pathway to your brain and increases your self-confidence and esteem sub-consciously.  

Raising your T-bars is the simplest exercise to raise your self-esteem!