Thursday, 29 October 2015

Do you have a 'print' handwriting?

A handwriting where letters appear to be disconnected is called as the print handwriting. Graphologists refer to this as 'Printing'. The co-joint letters in handwriting give insights on how we connect and build relationships with people around us.

A person whose handwriting is in a print form may face a lot of problems with inter-personal relationships, since his handwriting indicates lack of ability to bond and connect with people, a perfect example of people who appear to be a complete loner. On the other hand they will be creative, highly intuitive and methodological in their approach. They are people who have plans in line and often like to adopt a slow and detailed approach in its execution. The art of perfection drives them! 

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They are individualistic in their approach and hence face a lot of trouble in managing their relationships. Such people are not flexible and appear to be dominating. Ruled by rules, they tend to restrict themselves from experimenting with new things in life. 

Printing is a facade writing and it is not possible to comment on the person’s character through it. On the surface the person can appear to be completely charming and outspoken that is simply because he is skilled enough to hide his anger and fear beneath the facade from a very early age. 

Print writers are not born intelligent, but they develop intelligence with their experiences in life. Creative trait that they possess comes to their rescue often when they have a need to express their emotional experiences.

Note: Block writers and Print writers are not the same. Block writing is a handwriting where all the letters appear to be in small capitals. 

If your handwriting has this style then it is recommended that you consult a Graphologist!

Mail me your queries to 

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Read what "i" have to say about you!

Remember in school when your teacher always instructed you to place your dots properly? It is possible that the focus there was to make your handwriting look more beautiful but this has a deeper meaning in Graphology.
The lower-case version of your i's is analyzed based on 3 factors.
  1. Size and shape of the i-dot
  2. Position of the i-dot
  3. Pressure of the i-dot
In this blog i will only focus on sharing more info on the Size and shape of the i-dot
Dots which are drawn in any vivid shape indicates the creative instinct in a writer. It also reflects the writer's desire to do things differently to gain people's attention.In general these people dislike routine and will always be in search of 'something new' to do. Even in relationships they expect their partners to do/plan out of the box stuff, as said - Variety is the spice of life for these guys.
Observe your i-dots when you feel irritated with people, situation or even with yourself, you might see a slashed i-dot. Different things can be analyzed depending on the side at which the dot is crossed. If towards the left then you might be thinking of your experiences in the past. I-dot towards the right indicates your enthusiasm and curiousness. If slashed straight then it indicates that you are observant.
This is my favourite trait - Absent Mindedness! People with this in their handwriting are often careless hasty and impatient. I have also observed these people to be 'day dreamers'. 
Absence in i-dots also indicates that the person does not pay attention to details and loves to follow only the essential details which are mandatory but the trivial. 
This was just a brief glance of what's in store with your i-dots. Most of these factors need to be verified with the rest of the handwriting before jumping to conclusion!
To know more connect with me at
Happy Reading!

Friday, 9 October 2015

YES! You can change your personality through your Handwriting!

Many people ask if there is a way to change their personality by changing their handwriting - Yes it can be done through the science of Graphotherapy.

Graphotherapy is the scientific way to make alterations or changes in your handwriting which directly impacts your personality. 

Your Handwriting is a reflection of who you are, it is your mind writing. Every stroke in your handwriting correlates with a personality trait within you. While practicing graphotherapy your hand sends signals to your mind to make some conscious desirable changes, over a period of 21-28 days these conscious changes start reflecting in your behavior. 

I have personally used Graphotherapy extensively and completely got rid of having low self-esteem, and getting affect with what people think about me. Most importantly it also transformed me from being a complete introvert to now being an ambivert :)

I can tell you from first hand knowledge – from having used graphotherapy in my own life, and having assisted many others to use it in theirs – that this is a deceptively simple tool which wields an amazing amount of power.

One suggested change below that you can adopt with confidence! :)

If you are feeling sad you may see your handwriting writing going downhill or
 perhaps you may have a “roller-coaster” baseline.

Start practicing to write uphill, this indicates happiness and optimism.  However take the optimistic dose with caution – too much of a good thing becomes a negative. So have your writing going gently uphill, not perpendicular!

The theory of graphotherapy is to keep practicing to write in a certain way until your subconscious accepts it as normal.

CAUTION: If you change your handwriting, you really will change yourself, so it is advisable to take the opinion of an expert graphologist before implementing these changes.

Connect for advise