Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Top 3 personality traits of people who have small handwriting

According to the study of Graphology your handwriting is made up of three zones - middle, upper and lower. A basic average measure by which size can be judged is 3mm per zone. More than that is large; less than that is small.

Source: blog.ctnews.com

When i analyse handwriting of individuals it is the size of their writing that gives me a complete outline to their personality. The size of  handwriting is directly co-related with the confidence level of an individual, if he/she is confident of something then they tend to form large letters and bold stokes if not then vice-versa.

In this blog i will reveal about the top 3 traits of that an individual with small handwriting possesses.

1. They have excellent concentration:

People with small handwriting can concentrate really well. Such writers can fit the profile of jobs that require them to be glued to their desks for a long time. They prefer working alone and often appear to be less interactive at workplace. They are excellent contributes when they are given full freedom to work alone.

If the writing is small and delicate, the writer is unlikely to be a good communicator with anyone other than those on their own particular wavelength. These people do not generally find it easy to break new ground socially.

If you compare handwriting of great scientists then this will be a common trait. They have this because they are required to shut their minds off the world and completely focus on critical things.

2. They are great stress managers:

Put them under a very pressurized situation and they would easily be able to manage it. They work with amazing caliber when it comes to paying attention to small details. They are quite guarded in their reactions and do not react impulsively. Overall, they are great stress managers.

3. Usually they are reserved and introspective:

Small writers appear to be shy by nature. They love to gain more clarity about themselves and hence end up introspecting a lot. They are not flamboyant or attention-seekers. In a social gathering they like to be in their comfort zone and feel uncomfortable when people shower a great deal of attention towards them.

Caution: People with extremely small handwriting have some self-esteem issues. Such writers totally avoid being among people, because they fear that people will know their own lack of faith in themselves. In such situations they get very defensive and behave abnormally.

Also note - the rest of the handwriting plays a very important part to conclude any of the above mentioned traits

This was is last post for 2015, we will come up with an all new and an exciting section of 'How i met you on paper'! 
More details will be shared in 2016.
Wishing you a Happy New Year in advance Folks!

Monday, 14 December 2015

We have a story to share... A story where Allen got rid of his "Fear of rejection"

This story is of Allen, he is very successful professional and has a charismatic personality but something stops him from making the best of his abilities in his personal life...

  • Allen was a very successful professional career but in his personal life what traumatized him was the fear of "rejection"
  • He liked a girl in his office but was really scared to approach her as he felt he would be ridiculed
  • He approached Graphology Junction for help
  • By looking at his Handwriting we discovered he was too self-conscious. The handwriting strokes suggested that he was scared of looking stupid!
  • Graphologists believe, that this is one of biggest self-limiting personality traits. It halts the mental growth of the person
  • We made Allen practice Grapho-therapy for 28 days to get over this trait and the results were phenomenal! He mastered over his self-conscious state and approached the girl he loved!
  • What happened later...? Well, she accepted his proposal and they were together as a couple!!

"Fear of rejection" can crop up in any area of your life, if it is a part of your personality then it is high time that you literally part with it. It also induces the fear of being in the lime light and addressing an audience from a stage.
Do you connect with Allen's story? 

Sometimes do you feel the same like the way Allen did?

Then Graphology Junction can help you to get over this in the simplest way - just by changing the way you write. Yes! You can consult us to know about certain things that is stopping your progress in life and get rid of it ~ completely!

Send us your Handwriting Sample to graphology.snehajain@gmail.com

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

A day in the factory with Handwriting Analysis!

This has never happened before in my life, I was at the Bay Window Solutions Pvt. Ltd. I thought it will be just for another day of employee analysis but little did I know that it will turn out to be the best experience of my life!

For the first time I got to analyse handwritings of employees who were speech and hearing impaired, not one not two but of 20 in all. The objective was to help the management understand the strength and weakness of its employees better.

There was a pattern I observed in their handwritings which I want to share here:
  • Most of them had strong determination in their personality. When I tried understanding this more deeply i realized that everyone there was determined to achieve a very simple thing in life – Being Independent! But on the other end of the spectrum everyone had low self-image. They feared to portray this side of their personality to the world and hence use determination as a defense mechanism
  • Besides that, 90% of them had introversion and excessive imagination as one of the common trait, I could relate this with their past experiences.
  • One amazing thing that copped out of analysis was everyone was super creative. And each had their own interest areas to portray their creative instincts. 
  • Self-control in terms of expressing their anger was an evident trait. 

Overall, This helped the management not only understand its employees better but also enabled them to get a better picture of the work that will suit them the best (ensuring best utilization of their talent)

All the employees loved working and taking responsibilities as an individual. Trusting them is all that they expected from the management team and this was true in majority of the cases.

Sharing a few samples, request all the graphologists to share your thoughts:

 Connect with me at graphology.snehajain@gmail.com

Happy Reading!