Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Here is how students can build an awesome concentration and memory power!

A study states that writing is a great activity to boost brain power. When you write the brain receives feedback through your nervous system and activates the best of your subconscious potential.

According to a research, writing helps children in learning to read faster, coming up with more original ideas, and enhances activities in the parts of their brain that controls working memory. This increases ability to learn, along with a memory boost. Writing uncovers a distinct neural pathway that is only activated when a person physically draws out letters. The same also applies to adults.

By making children practice the science of graphotherapy from a very early age you can enable them to gain a broader prospective on what they learn as their character is in a formative stage and this indeed makes it a perfect time to begin correcting undesirable traits in them.

Good memory means a person who has the ability to study, understand and recollect what he wants to. Good concentration means a person who is able to completely focus his mind and body on the task he is doing.

Here is a story on how handwriting helped Joe improve his memory and concentration at a crucial time.


An interesting article form  will answer all the questions you have!

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